Handsome Sir William |
Johnson's uncle
wanted him also to involve himself in trading with Six Nations. He relocated from the south side of the river to the north, where he established
a small farm, store, and a sawmill and began
trading in furs. He associated closely with the Mohawk people in the valley, the easternmost
nation of the Six Nations of the Iroquois League. He studied the languages of the confederacy and sometimes wore Mohawk clothing.
Johnson's Mohawk friends and neighbours saw in the tall Irishman someone who
could advocate their interests with the British. They adopted him as a civil chief and gave him the
name Warraghiyagey, meaning "Man who
undertakes great things." In time he became British Superintendent of the North American colonies and a successful military leader. He believed that with good will, good communication, and good faith, the native peoples of North America and the European settlers could flourish side by side.
Johnson also had a great scientific curiosity. Like Ben Franklin, he conducted experiments with electricity, although largely for the amusement of guests at parties at Johnson Hall – particularly the ladies. A small book that he published on his experiments is in the John Carter Brown library.
Johnson also had a great scientific curiosity. Like Ben Franklin, he conducted experiments with electricity, although largely for the amusement of guests at parties at Johnson Hall – particularly the ladies. A small book that he published on his experiments is in the John Carter Brown library.